I’ve always admired Annie Koyama for her work and bravery. Being a publisher in this day and age isn’t for the faint of heart, and she’s able to weather it with style. She’s won the respect of many of her peers in publishing, and has a catalogue of some of the best cartoonists of our…
Author: Eric Kim
Zine Talk with Bryan Lee O’Malley
What can be said about Bryan Lee O’Malley that hasn’t already been printed in numerous magazines and news sites already? His genius in books like Scott Pilgrim, Seconds and Snotgirl? His beautiful approach to both writing and art? Or maybe just his compositions? Maybe, more importantly, is how much the zine DIY aesthetic helped in…
Zine Interview: Lindsay Gibb
Lindsay Gibb is a librarian, writer and editor with a special focus on zines, films and youth culture. I first learned of her through her work with Broken Pencil, a magazine that focuses squarely on independent creative action. She’s also worked with independent arts festivals, zine fairs, and is currently the coordinator of the Toronto…
Zines: An Interview Series
I’ve always loved comics. Always. They’re woven into me. To that end, I’ve studied everything surrounding them. It’s hard to say how, off the bat, a textbook about supply chain management relates to funnybooks, but that’s only examining one piece of the puzzle, one picture out of context. Within the framework of the industry it’s…
Work For Hire Rates: Year Over Year
Derek Boyko put together visualizations based on the data gathered from our 2017 Page Rates survey and the data collected from the 2015 and 2016 surveys conducted by fairpagerates.com. This visualization compares the data year to year to help us understand any big shifts that we may be seeing. Visualization by Derek Boyko
Work For Hire Rates: Which Job Gets Paid The Most?
Derek Boyko put together visualizations based on the data gathered from our 2017 Page Rates survey and the data collected from the 2015 and 2016 surveys conducted by fairpagerates.com. This visualization compares the data discusses the jobs within comics that pay the most. Lowest reported rates for work for hire jobs and visualizations comparing year to…
Work For Hire Rates: Lowest Reported Pay Per Job
Derek Boyko put together visualizations based on the data gathered from our 2017 Page Rates survey and the data collected from the 2015 and 2016 surveys conducted by fairpagerates.com. This visualization compares the data discusses the jobs within comics that pay the most. Highest reported rates for work for hire jobs and visualizations comparing year to…